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First, Second, Third and Fourth Wave of Coffee

The way we consume coffee has changed over the century. The term ‘wave’ is used to delineate each major era in the evolution of coffee culture. This concept of waves of coffee was popularized in 2003. Hence, waves mark shifts in consumer habits, and developments in the industry.

Lets find out more about the different waves of coffee!

First wave of Coffee explained...

The first wave of coffee is known as commodity coffee. Examples include Folgers, Green Mountain Coffee and Maxwell House. They don’t emphasize on either quality or sourcing transparency. Coffee was not a special experience. It was mass produced and quickly got embedded in people’s normal way of life!

Some of the major attributes were:

  • pre-ground beans

  • dark and bitter

  • available in supermarket aisle

  • commercially produced

The Second wave.....

Brands like Starbucks, Blue bottle Coffee and Caribou Coffee are credited with the rise of the second wave of coffee. They revolutionized cafe culture first in the USA and then around the world. They introduced consumers with a new way of enjoying coffee with a variety of coffee choices.


Starbucks pioneered specialty coffee drinks by mixing espresso shots with a variety of add-ons such as flavorful syrups, coffee, matcha and turmeric. The emphasis was on making the drink creative, mood lighting, friendly baristas instead of on the coffee itself.

Common characteristics of Second Wave Coffee:

  • flavorful drinks

  • supermarket aisle coffee

  • pop culture

  • café experience

The Third Wave of Coffee......

The third wave of coffee saw a shift in focus. The main star was the coffee itself. Factors like the coffee flavors, roast profiles, origins and brewing techniques became more important. This wave evolved from a small group of roasters who were experimenting with lighter roasting levels and new, exotic flavors of coffees.


This segment of coffee is referred to as ‘specialty coffee’. Transparency and traceability took centre stage. The consumers were interested behind the story of coffee which elevated the role of the barista.

Common Signs include:

  • flavor notes

  • latte art

  • light and medium roast coffee

  • single origin beans

  • manual brewing

  • origin transparency


Fourth Wave....

While the third wave was all about the micro-roasters, handcrafted coffee and sourcing transparency, the fourth wave celebrates the science of coffee!

One can experience the obsession to details and the taste of the perfect coffee in international cities like London, Tokyo, Berlin and New York


 The characteristics include:


  • scientific approach

  • accurate measuring

  • deep understanding of coffee

  • high tech brewing equipment

Fifth Wave of Coffee?

Allegra Strategies consultancy came up with the idea of the 5th Wave which is the culmination of the previous ‘waves’. It is a current trend that aims to meet the desires and aspirations of the Gen Z market which is highly savvy.

The fifth wave coffee businesses create and deliver engaging and aspiring experiences to selective customer target audiences.


Common characteristics of Fifth Wave Coffee:

  • ambitious entrepreneurs

  • well funded business

  • streamlined systems

  • high-tech

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